Monday, January 20, 2025

2025-03 Stake Conference Choir Music

Adult Session

I Love to See the Temple

1. I love to see the temple.
I’m going there someday
To feel the Holy Spirit,
To listen and to pray.
For the temple is a house of God,
A place of love and beauty.
I’ll prepare myself while I am young;
This is my sacred duty.

2. I love to see the temple.
I’ll go inside someday.
I’ll cov’nant with my Father;
I’ll promise to obey.
For the temple is a holy place
Where we are sealed together.
As a child of God, I’ve learned this truth:
A fam’ly is forever.

3. I love to see the temple,
the place that I adore.
Inside I'll serve my fam'ly,
dear loved ones gone before.
In the temple we're endowed with pow'r
to guard against temptation.
As we worship there, we feel His peace
and learn through revelation from above.

I love to see the temple.


I'm Trying to Be Like Jesus

1.I’m trying to be like Jesus;
I’m following in his ways.
I’m trying to love as he did, in all that I do and say.
At times I am tempted to make a wrong choice,
But I try to listen as the still small voice whispers,

“Love one another as Jesus loves you.
Try to show kindness in all that you do.
Be gentle and loving in deed and in thought,
For these are the things Jesus taught.”

2.I’m trying to love my neighbor;
I’m learning to serve my friends.
I watch for the day of gladness when Jesus will come again.
I try to remember the lessons he taught.
Then the Holy Spirit enters into my thoughts, saying:

“Love one another as Jesus loves you.
Try to show kindness in all that you do.
Be gentle and loving in deed and in thought,
For these are the things Jesus taught.”

Amazing Grace

1. Amazing grace—how sweet the sound—
That saved a wretch like me!
I once was lost, but now am found,
Was blind, but now I see.

2. The Lord has promised good to me;
His word my hope secures.
He will my shield and portion be
As long as life endures.

3. Through many dangers, toils, and snares
I have already come.
His grace has brought me safe thus far,
And grace will lead me home.

This is the Christ

1. They heard a voice, a voice so mild.
It pierced them through and made their souls to quake.
They saw Him come, a man in white,
The Savior, who had suffered for their sake.
They felt the wounds in hands and side,
And each could testify: This is the Christ.

This is the Christ, the holy Son of God—
Our Savior, Lord, Redeemer of mankind.
This is the Christ, the Healer of our souls,
Who ransomed us with love divine.

2. I read His words, the words He prayed
While bearing sorrow in Gethsemane.
I feel His love, the price He paid.
How many drops of blood were spilled for me?
With Saints of old in joyful cry
I too can testify: This is the Christ.

This is the Christ, the holy Son of God—
Our Savior, Lord, Redeemer of mankind.
This is the Christ, the Healer of our souls,
Who ransomed us with love divine.


1. Jesus climbed the hill to the Garden still; His steps were heavy and slow.
Love and a prayer took Him there to the place only He could go.

Gethsemane! Jesus loves me,
So He went willingly to Gethsemane.

2. He felt all that was sad, wicked, or bad, all the pain we would ever know.
While His friends were asleep, He fought to keep His promise made long ago.

Gethsemane! Jesus loves me,
So He went willingly to Gethsemane.

The hardest thing that ever was done,
The greatest pain that ever was known,
The biggest battle that ever was won—
This was done by Jesus!
The fight was won by Jesus!

Gethsemane! Jesus loves me,
So He gave this gift to me in Gethsemane.
Gethsemane! Jesus loves me,
So He gives this gift to me from Gethsemane.

Praise God, From Whom All Blessings Flow

1. Praise God, from whom all blessings flow;
Praise him, all creatures here below;
Praise him above, ye heav'nly host;
Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost!

2. Praise God, for beauty here on earth;
Praise him for joy in each new birth;
Praise God for Father's wondrous plan
to bring eternal life to man.

3. Praise God, for mercy, heaven sent;
Forgiveness giv'n when we repent.
Alleluia, alleluia!
Praise God! O'er death the vict'ry won
Through Jesus Christ, the Holy One!
Alleluia, alleluia!
Alleluia, O praise him,

4. Praise God, the well of righteousness!
He's slow to anger, quick to bless!
Raise prayer to him the whole day long!
Sing praise to him in voices strong!

Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost!

Joseph Smith's First Prayer

1. Oh, how lovely was the morning!
Radiant beamed the sun above.
Bees were humming, sweet birds singing,
Music ringing thru the grove,
When within the shady woodland
Joseph sought the God of love,
When within the shady woodland
Joseph sought the God of love.

2. Humbly kneeling, sweet appealing—
’Twas the boy’s first uttered prayer—
When the pow’rs of sin assailing
Filled his soul with deep despair;
But undaunted, still he trusted
In his Heav’nly Father’s care,
But undaunted, still he trusted
In his Heav’nly Father’s care.

3. Suddenly a light descended,
Brighter far than noonday sun,
And a shining, glorious pillar
O’er him fell, around him shone,
While appeared two heav’nly beings,
God the Father and the Son,
While appeared two heav’nly beings,
God the Father and the Son.

4. “Joseph, this is my Beloved;
Hear him!” Oh, how sweet the word!
Joseph’s humble prayer was answered,
And he listened to the Lord.
Oh, what rapture filled his bosom,
For he saw the living God,
Oh, what rapture filled his bosom,
For he saw the living God.

I See God's Love

I see God's love and wisdom all around me
as I ponder on the beauty of this earth.
I stop to contemplate His plan's great glory,
and I start to feel my soul's eternal worth.

I see God's love, gentle love so freely given.
I feel His love, tender mercies sent from heav'n.
I feel encircled in His warm embrace.
I daily walk, uplifted by His grace.

I humbly think about His grand creation,
how each lowly creature's part of His design.
The sun and moon and stars each in their motion
for His purposes do perfectly align.

I see God's love, gentle love so freely given.
I feel His love, tender mercies sent from heav'n.
I feel encircled in His warm embrace.
I daily walk, uplifted by His grace.

In awe I feel His infinite atonement,
as His mercy and His pow'r always sustain.
My tongue can scarecly utter my amazement
that for me, each day He bears my grief and pain.

I see God's love, gentle love so freely given.
I feel His love, tender mercies sent from heav'n.
I feel encircled in His warm embrace.
I daily walk, uplifted by His grace.

In quiet times and through this world's commotion,
I can feel His Spirit softly guide my way.
In faith I'll give to Him my full devotion,
'til at last I may return to Him someday.

I see God's love, gentle love so freely given.
I feel His love, tender mercies sent from heav'n.
I feel encircled in His warm embrace.
I daily walk, uplifted by His grace.

Teach Me to Walk

1. Teach me to walk in the light of his love;
Teach me to pray to my Father above;
Teach me to know of the things that are right;
Teach me, teach me to walk in the light.

2. Come, little child, and together we’ll learn
Of his commandments, that we may return
Home to his presence, to live in his sight—
Always, always to walk in the light.

3. Father in Heaven, we thank thee this day
For loving guidance to show us the way.
Grateful, we praise thee with songs of delight!
Gladly, gladly we’ll walk in the light.

4. Often we'll go to the House of the Lord.
We'll feel his spirit and learn of his word.
There we will covenant, dressed all in white,
Always, always, to walk in the light!

Always, always, we'll walk in his light.

Consider the Lilies

Consider the lilies of the field,
How they grow, how they grow.
Consider the birds in the sky
How they fly, how they fly.

He clothes the lilies of the field.
He feeds the birds in the sky.
And He will feed those who trust Him
And guide them with His eye.

Consider the sheep of His fold,
How they follow where He leads.
Though the path may wind across the mountains,
He knows the meadows where they feed.

He clothes the lilies of the field.
He feeds the birds in the sky.
And He will feed those who trust Him
And guide them with His eye.

Consider the sweet, tender children
Who must suffer on this Earth.
The pains of all of them He carried
From the day of His birth.

He clothes the lilies of the field.
He feeds the lambs in His fold.
And He will heal those who trust Him
And make their hearts as gold

He clothes the lilies of the field
He feeds the lambs in His fold
And He will heal those who trust Him
And make their hearts as gold

General Session

Always Remember

"Let the little children come,"
The Savior gently said.
Then, taking them into his arms
Laid hands upon their heads.
I wish that I had been there
As he held and blessed each one,
But there's a warmth inside my heart
That tells me I am loved.

I will always remember
That Jesus loves me,
That he lived, died, and rose again
To set the whole world free
He will bless me with his spirit
And fill my soul with peace.
I will always remember him.
He will always remember me.

In the garden, Jesus knelt
Beneath the olive trees.
He felt my sorrows, one by one
So he could comfort me.
He knows and loves me deeply
I am graven on his palms.
One day he'll call me by my name
And hold me in his arms.

I will always remember
That Jesus loves me.
That he lived, died, and rose again
To set the whole world free.
He will bless me with his spirit
And fill my soul with peace.
I will always remember him.
He will always remember me.

Always, always he'll remember me
Always, always he'll remember me

I will always remember
That Jesus loves me.
That he lived, died, and rose again
To set the whole world free.
He will bless me with his spirit
And fill my soul with peace.
I will always remember him
He will always remember me.
I will always remember him
And he'll remember me.

Homeward Bound

In the quiet misty morning,
When the moon has gone to bed,
When the sparrows stop their singing
And the sky is clear and red,

When the summer’s ceased its gleaming,
When the corn is past its prime,
When adventure’s lost its meaning,
I’ll be homeward bound in time.

Bind me not to the pasture!
Chain me not to the plow!
Set me free to find my calling
And I’ll return to you somehow.

If you find it's me you're missing,
If you’re hoping I'll return,
To your thoughts, I'll soon be listening,
And in the road, I'll stop and turn.

Then the wind will set me racing,
As my journey nears its end,
And the path I’ll be retracing
When I’m homeward bound again.

Bind me not to the pasture!
Chain me not to the plow!
Set me free to find my calling
And I’ll return to you somehow.

In the quiet misty morning,
When the moon has gone to bed,
When the sparrows stop their singing,
I’ll be homeward bound again.

I Am a Child of God

1.I am a child of God,
And he has sent me here,
Has given me an earthly home
With parents kind and dear.

Lead me, guide me, walk beside me,
Help me find the way.
Teach me all that I must do
To live with him someday.

2.I am a child of God,
And so my needs are great;
Help me to understand his words
Before it grows too late.

Lead me, guide me, walk beside me,
Help me find the way.
Teach me all that I must do
To live with him someday.

3.I am a child of God.
Rich blessings are in store;
If I but learn to do his will,
I’ll live with him once more.

Lead me, guide me, walk beside me,
Help me find the way.
Teach me all that I must do
To live with him someday.

Saturday, October 7, 2023

2023-10 Stake Conference Choir Music



Lead Kindly Light

Divina Luz

1. Lead, kindly Light, amid th’encircling gloom; Lead thou me on!
The night is dark, and I am far from home;
Lead thou me on!
Keep thou my feet; I do not ask to see
The distant scene—one step enough for me.
1. Divina Luz, con esplendor benigno, alúmbrame.
Oscuras son la noche y la senda;
mi Guía sé.
Muy lejos de Tu pabellón estoy,
y al hogar de las alturas voy.
2. I was not ever thus, nor pray’d that thou Shouldst lead me on.
I loved to choose and see my path; but now,
Lead thou me on!
I loved the garish day, and, spite of fears,
Pride ruled my will. Remember not past years.
2. Momentos hubo en que Tu ayuda no supliqué,
confiando en mi propia experiencia;
no tuve fe.
Mas hoy deploro esa ceguedad;
préstame, Dios, Tu grata claridad.
3. So long thy pow’r hath blest me, sure it still Will lead me on
O’er moor and fen, o’er crag and torrent, till
The night is gone.
And with the morn those angel faces smile,
Which I have loved long since, and lost awhile!
Lead thou me on!
3. Guiando Tú, la noche resplandece, y cruzaré
los valles, montes, riscos y torrentes
con firme pie.
Veré después el día despertar,
y me guiarás de vuelta a mi hogar.
mi Guía sé.

I Need Thee Every Hour

Señor, te necesito

1. I need thee ev’ry hour, Most gracious Lord.
No tender voice like thine
Can peace afford.
I need thee, oh, I need thee;
Ev’ry hour I need thee!
Oh, bless me now, my Savior;
I come to thee!
1. Te necesito, sí, bendito ser.
Ninguno como Tú
paz puede dar.
Señor, te necesito;
sí, te necesito.
Bendíceme, oh Cristo;
vendré a ti.
2. I need thee ev’ry hour; Stay thou nearby.
Temptations lose their pow’r
When thou art nigh.
I need thee, oh, I need thee;
Ev’ry hour I need thee!
Oh, bless me now, my Savior;
I come to thee!
2. Te necesito, sí, consuelo das.
En mal, poder no hay
si Tú estás.
Señor, te necesito;
sí, te necesito.
Bendíceme, oh Cristo;
vendré a ti.
3. I need thee ev’ry hour, In joy or pain.
Come quickly and abide,
Or life is vain.
I need thee, oh, I need thee;
Ev’ry hour I need thee!
Oh, bless me now, my Savior;
I come to thee!
3. Te necesito, sí, en mal o bien.
Conmigo a morar
oh pronto ven.
Señor, te necesito;
sí, te necesito.
Bendíceme, oh Cristo;
vendré a ti.
4. I need thee ev’ry hour, Most holy One.
Oh, make me thine indeed,
Thou blessed Son!
I need thee, oh, I need thee;
Ev’ry hour I need thee!
Oh, bless me now, my Savior;
I come to thee!
4. Te necesito, sí, mi Salvador,
y tuyo, por amor,
seré, Señor.
Señor, te necesito;
sí, te necesito.
Bendíceme, oh Cristo;
vendré a ti.

This is My Beloved Son

Éste es mi hijo amado

1. Jesus entered Jordan’s waters When His work had just begun.
God the Father spoke from heaven:
“This is My Beloved Son. Hear Him!”
1. Descendió Jesús al agua cuando Su obra comenzó.
Dios el Padre habló del cielo:
“Éste es mi hijo amado; escúchalo”.
2. Nephites gazing into heaven Saw their white-robed Savior come.
And they heard the Father witness:
“This is My Beloved Son. Hear Him!”
2. Los nefitas la muraron desde el cielo descender,
y la voz del Padre oyeron:
“Éste es mi hijo amado; escúchalo”.
3. Joseph saw two glorious beings Shining brighter than the sun.
God again presented Jesus:
“This is My Beloved Son. Hear Him!”
3. Vio José a dos personajes que brillaban más que el sol,
y a Jesús, Dios presentaba:
“Éste es mi hijo amado; escúchalo”.
4. As I read the scriptures daily— Words of Christ, the Holy One—
In my heart I’ll hear God tell me:
“This is My Beloved Son. Hear Him!”
Hear Him! My Beloved Son.
4. Al leer las Escrituras-- la palabra del Señor--
a mi corazón, Dios dice:
“Éste es mi hijo amado; escúchalo”.
Escúchalo! Mi hijo amado.

The Miracle

El milagro

1. Jesus walked upon the water. He stilled the storm and calmed the angry sea.
With His hands He healed the leper.
He made the lame to walk, the blind to see.
He fed a thousand people with a loaf or two of bread.
And when the ruler’s daughter died,
He raised her from the dead.
Jesus is a God of miracles;
Nothing is at all impossible to Him.
But I know this:
Of all His miracles, the most incredible must be
The miracle that rescues me!
1. Cristo anduvo sobre el agua; calmó tormentas y el furioso mar.
Con amor sanó al leproso
e hizo al ciego ver y al cojo andar.
Alimentó a miles con un trozo o dos de pan;
Resucitó a una niña, que
había muerto ya.
Un Dios de milagros es Jesús,
no hay nada imposible para Él.
Y esto sé:
De Sus milagros, el más increible de ellos es
que puede rescatarme Él.
2. Jesus bled and died to save me— A price that I could never pay alone.
When He rose again, He gave me
The greatest gift the world has ever known!
Yes, I can be forgiven every time that I repent,
And someday He will lift me up to live with Him again.
Jesus is a God of miracles;
Nothing is at all impossible to Him.
But I know this:
Of all His miracles the most incredible must be
The miracle that rescues me,
The miracle that rescues you and me!
2. Él por mí murió y Su sangre pagó lo que yo nunca pagaré.
Él resucitó por darme
el don mayor que el mundo pueda ver.
Pues cuando me arrepiento, Él me puede perdonar.
Un día resucitaré y con Él podré morar.
Un Dios de milagros es Jesús,
no hay nada imposible para Él.
Y esto sé:
De Sus milagros, el más increible de ellos es
que puede rescatarme Él.
Que puede rescatarte a ti y a mí.

Count Your Blessings

Cuenta tus bendiciones

1. When upon life’s billows you are tempest-tossed, When you are discouraged, thinking all is lost,
Count your many blessings; name them one by one,
And it will surprise you what the Lord has done.
2. When you look at others with their lands and gold,
Think that Christ has promised you his wealth untold.
Count your many blessings; money cannot buy
Your reward in heaven nor your home on high.
1. Cuando te abrumen penas y dolor, cuando tentaciones rujan con furor,
ve tus bendiciones; cuenta y verás
cuántas bendiciones de Jesús tendrás.
2. Cuando veas a otros que más ricos son,
piensa que de Cristo es tu galardón.
Oro no te compra lo que Dios te da:
un hogar eterno donde Él está.
Count your blessings; Name them one by one.
Count your blessings;
See what God hath done.
Count your blessings;
Name them one by one.
Count your many blessings;
See what God hath done.
Bendiciones, cuenta y verás,
que recibirás;
cuenta y verás
cuántas bendiciones
de Jesús tendrás.
2. Are you ever burdened with a load of care? Does the cross seem heavy you are called to bear?
Count your many blessings; ev’ry doubt will fly,
And you will be singing as the days go by.
2. ¿Sientes una carga grande de pesar? ¿Es tu cruz pesada para aguantar?
Ve tus bendiciones; cuenta y verás
cómo aflicciones nunca más tendrás.
3. Lift up your hearts in praise to God; Let your rejoicings never cease.
Christ says, “In me ye shall have peace.”
3. Alzad con gozo ̮el corazón; cantad a Dios con fe ̮y fervor.
Reposo hallaréis en El
4. So amid the conflict, whether great or small, Do not be discouraged; God is over all.
Count your many blessings; angels will attend,
Help and comfort give you to your journey’s end.
4. No te desanimes do el mal está, y si no desmayas, Dios te guardará.
Ve tus bendiciones y de Él tendrás
en tu vida gran consolación y paz.
(WOMEN) Count your blessings;
Name them one by one.
Count your blessings;
See what God hath done.
Though deep’ning trials throng your way,
(MUJER) Bendiciones,
cuenta y verás
cuántas bendiciones
de Jesús tendrás.
Aunque colmados de pesar
Count your blessings; Count your blessings;
Count your blessings;
See what God hath done.
Bendiciones, Bendiciones,
cuántas bendiciones
de Jesús tendrás.
Christ says, “In me ye shall have peace.” Cristo dice: "En mí tendréis paz".

Peace In Christ

Paz en Cristo

1. There is peace in Christ When we learn of Him.
Feel the love He felt for us
When He bore our sins.
Listen to His words.
Let them come alive.
If we know Him as He is,
There is peace in Christ.
1. Siempre en Cristo hay paz si aprendemos de Él.
Por amor Él nos libró
del pecado cruel.
A Él escucha bien
y te hará brillar.
Si lo puedes conocer,
siempre en Cristo hay paz.
He gives us hope When hope is gone.
He gives us strength
When we can’t go on.
He gives us shelter
In the storms of life.
When there’s no peace on earth,
There is peace in Christ.
Nos da esperanza, nos da solaz,
Su fuerza da
cuando hay pesar.
Nos da refugio
en la tempestad.
Si no hay paz aquí,
siempre en Cristo hay paz.
2. There is peace in Christ When we walk with Him
Through the streets of Galilee
To Jerusalem.
Mend the broken hearts.
Dry the tear-filled eyes.
When we live the way He lived,
There is peace in Christ.
2. Siempre en Cristo hay paz. al andar con Él.
Ve a Galilea y
a Jerusalén.
Sana el corazón,
llanto ya no habrá.
Si vivimos como Él,
siempre en Cristo hay paz.
He gives us hope When hope is gone.
He gives us strength
When we can’t go on.
He gives us shelter
In the storms of life.
When there’s no peace on earth,
There is peace in Christ.
Nos da esperanza, nos da solaz,
Su fuerza da
cuando hay pesar.
Nos da refugio
en la tempestad.
Si no hay paz aquí,
siempre en Cristo hay paz.
He gives us hope When hope is gone.
He gives us strength
When we can’t go on.
He gives us shelter
In the storms of life.
When there’s no peace on earth,
There is peace in Christ.
When there’s no peace on earth,
There is peace in Christ.
Nos da esperanza, nos da solaz,
Su fuerza da
cuando hay pesar.
Nos da refugio
en la tempestad.
Si no hay paz aquí,
siempre en Cristo hay paz.
Si no hay paz aquí,
siempre en Cristo hay paz.

He Sent His Son

Mando a Su Hijo

How could the Father tell the world of love and tenderness? He sent his Son, a newborn babe, with peace and holiness.
How could the Father show the world the pathway we should go?
He sent his Son to walk with men on earth, that we may know.
How could the Father tell the world of sacrifice, of death?
He sent his Son to die for us and rise with living breath.
What does the Father ask of us? What do the scriptures say?
Have faith, have hope, live like his Son,
help others on their way.
What does he ask? Live like his Son.
¿Cómo podía demostrar el Padre Su amor? Mandó ̮a Su Hijo a nacer, pequeño Salvador.
¿Cómo podía indicar la senda a seguir?
Mandó ̮a Su Hijo a mostrar cómo ̮a los cielos ir.
Y de la muerte, ¿cómo nos podía enseñar?
Mandó ̮a Su Hijo a morir y a resucitar.
¿Qué es lo que nos pide Dios?
La fe ̮y la caridad, ser como Jesucristo fue
y ̮a a otros ayudar.
¿Qué pide Dios? Ser como Jesús.



Jesus climbed the hill to the garden still. His steps were heavy and slow.
Love and a prayer took Him there
To the place only He could go.
Gethsemane. Jesus loves me,
So He went willingly to Gethsemane.
He felt all that was sad, wicked, or bad,
All the pain we would ever know.
While His friends were asleep, He fought to keep
His promise made long ago.
Gethsemane. Jesus loves me,
So He went willingly to Gethsemane.
The hardest thing that ever was done,
The greatest pain that ever was known,
The biggest battle that ever was won—
This was done by Jesus!
The fight was won by Jesus!
Gethsemane. Jesus loves me,
So He gave His gift to me in Gethsemane.
Gethsemane. Jesus loves me,
So He gives His gift to me from Gethsemane.
Cristo fue a orar al jardín de paz con paso lento al andar.
Solo el Señor, por Su amor,
pudo ir hasta tal lugar.
Getsemaní. Él me ama a mí
Se ofreció a ir a llí, Getsemaní.
La maldad, el pesar, la oscuridad,
todo eso Jesús sufrió.
Al dormir los demás, Él fue a luchar,
a hacer lo que prometió.
Getsemaní. Él me ama a mí.
Se ofreció a ir allí, Getsemaní.
No-hubo más difícil acción.
Nunca se sintió tal dolor.
Mayor batalla no se ganó.
¡Esto lo hizo Cristo!
Ganó la lucha Cristo.
Getsemaní. Él me ama a mí.
Él me dio Su don allí,
Getsemaní. Él me ama a mí.
Y me da Su don de allí,

This is the Christ

El Cristo es

1. They heard His voice, a voice so mild. It pierced them through and made their souls to quake.
They saw Him come, a man in white,
The Savior, who had suffered for their sake.
They felt the wounds in hands and side,
And each could testify:
1. El corazón les traspasó. La voz del cielo su alma estremeció.
El Salvador los visitó
El Redentor por ellos padeció.
El hierro cruel en Mí palpad
y testimonio dad:
This is the Christ. This is the Christ, the holy Son of God,
Our Savior, Lord, Redeemer of mankind.
This is the Christ, the Healer of our souls,
Who ransomed us with love divine.
El Cristo es. El Cristo es, el Santo Hijo de Dios,
el Salvador, Señor, el Redentor!
El Cristo es; el alma nos sanó
y con Su amore nos rescató.
2. I read His words, the words He prayed While bearing sorrow in Gethsemane.
I feel His love, the price He paid.
How many drops of blood were spilled for me?
With Saints of old in joyful cry
I too can testify:
2. Una oración: Getsemaní, cuán alto precio Él pagó por mí!
Qué gran amor! Cuánto su frió!
Por mí Su sangre derramó el Señor.
Dichoso yo podré clamar
y a ún testificar:
This is the Christ. This is the Christ, the holy Son of God,
Our Savior, Lord, Redeemer of mankind.
This is the Christ, the Healer of our souls,
Who ransomed us with love divine.
El Cristo es. El Cristo es, el Santo Hijo de Dios,
el Salvador, Señor, el Redentor!
El Cristo es; el alma nos sanó
y con Su amore nos rescató.

General Session

Sesion General

Love Divine, All Loves Excelling

Solo Excelso, Amor Divino

1. Love divine, all loves excelling, joy of heav'n to earth come down,
fix in us Thy humble dwelling;
all Thy faithful mercies crown!
Jesus, Thou art all compassion,
pure, unbounded love Thou art;
visit us with Thy salvation;
enter every trembling heart.
1. Solo excelso, amor divino, desde el cielo descendió;
Fija aquí tu hogar humilde
coronando así tu don.
Eres tú, Jesús bendito,
todo amor y compasión;
Ven al corazón que sufre;
Tráenos la salvación, la salvación.
2. Breathe, O breathe Thy loving Spirit into every troubled breast!
Let us all in Thee inherit,
let us find the promised rest.
Take away the love of sinning;
Alpha and Omega be;
end of faith, as its beginning,
set our hearts at liberty.
2. Con tu Espíritu da aliento a quien sufre en su pesar;
Que la herencia en Ti tengamos
y podamos descansar.
Tú, el Alfa y Omega
sé de todo nuestro ser;
que tu gracia nos proteja
y sostenga siempre, siempre nuestra fe.
3. Come, Almighty to deliver; let us all Thy life receive;
suddenly return and never,
nevermore Thy temples leave.
Thee we would be always blessing,
serve Thee as Thy hosts above;
pray, and praise Thee without ceasing,
glory in Thy perfect love.
3. Oh, amor, no te separes de tu Iglesia terrenal;
únela estrechamente
con el lazo fraternal.
Ven, Altísimo, a librarnos,
dótanos de tu favor;
Nuestro afán tan solo sea
siempre proclamarte, proclamar tu amor.
4. Finish then, Thy new creation; pure and spotless let us be;
let us see Thy great salvation
perfectly restored in Thee.
Changed from glory into glory,
till in heav'n we take our place,
till we cast our crowns before Thee,
lost in wonder, love, and praise.
Till we cast our crowns before Thee,
lost in wonder, love, and praise.
4. Haznos nuevas criaturas, purifica nuestro ser.
Que la salvación divina
siempre en Ti podamos ver.
Llévanos de gloria en gloria
a la celestial mansión;
donde ante Ti postrados
te rindamos toda, toda devoción.
donde ante Ti postrados
te rindamos toda, toda devoción.

Master, the Tempest is Raging

Paz, cálmense

1. Master, the tempest is raging! The billows are tossing high!
The sky is o’ershadowed with blackness.
No shelter or help is nigh.
Carest thou not that we perish?
How canst thou lie asleep
When each moment so madly is threat’ning
A grave in the angry deep?
1. Cristo, el mar se encrespa, y ruge la tempestad.
Obscuros los cielos se muestran,
terribles y sin piedad.
¿No te da pena el vernos?
¿Puedes aún dormir
cuando el mar amenaza sumirnos
en vasta profundidad?
The winds and the waves shall obey thy will: Peace, be still.
Whether the wrath of the storm-tossed sea
Or demons or men or whatever it be,
No waters can swallow the ship where lies
The Master of ocean and earth and skies.
They all shall sweetly obey thy will:
Peace, be still; peace, be still.
They all shall sweetly obey thy will:
Peace, peace, peace.
Las olas y vientos oirán Tu voz: “¡Cálmense!”
Sean los mares que rujan más,
o diablos que bramen con fuerte clamor,
las aguas al barco no dañarán del Rey
de los cielos y de la mar.
Mas todos ellos se domarán.
“¡Cálmense! ¡Cálmense!”
Mas todos ellos se domarán.
“¡Paz, paz, paz!”
2. Master, with anguish of spirit I bow in my grief today.
The depths of my sad heart are troubled.
Oh, waken and save, I pray!
Torrents of sin and of anguish
Sweep o’er my sinking soul,
And I perish! I perish! dear Master.
Oh, hasten and take control!
2. Cristo, con grandes angustias inclino ante ti mi faz.
Dolores mi alma acongojan.
Oh mándame tu solaz.
Olas de males me cubren,
vénceme su furor,
y perezco, perezco, oh Cristo.
Oh sálvame del dolor.
The winds and the waves shall obey thy will: Peace, be still.
Whether the wrath of the storm-tossed sea
Or demons or men or whatever it be,
No waters can swallow the ship where lies
The Master of ocean and earth and skies.
Las olas y vientos oirán Tu voz: “¡Cálmense!”
Sean los mares que rujan más,
o diablos que bramen con fuerte clamor,
las aguas al barco no dañarán del Rey
de los cielos y de la mar.
3. Master, the terror is over. The elements rage no more.
With joy I shall make the blest harbor
And rest on the blissful shore.
3. Cristo, el miedo ya pasa y todo está en paz.
Me fondearé en tu puerto,
seguro do tú estás.
The winds and the waves shall obey thy will: Peace, be still.
They all shall sweetly obey thy will:
Peace, peace, be still.
Be still.
Las olas y vientos oirán Tu voz: “¡Cálmense!”
Mas todos ellos se domarán.
“¡Paz, cálmense!”

Sunday, February 19, 2023

2023-02 Stake Conference Choir Music

Adult Session

Sesión De Adultos

And Can It Be?

Cómo Puede Ser?

And can it be? And can it be?
Amazing love, How can it be?
And can it be that I should gain
An interest in the Savior’s blood?
Died He for me, who caused His pain—
For me, who Him to death pursued?
Amazing love! How can it be,
That Thou, my God, shouldst die for me?
Cómo puede ser? Cómo puede ser?
Amor increíble, Cómo puede ser?
Cómo puede ser que yo gane
Una recompensa en la sangre del Salvador
Él muriendo por mí, por aquél que causó su dolor
Por mí, quién lo llevó a la muerte
Amor increíble, Cómo puede ser
Que Tú mi Dios has muerto por mi?
He left His Father’s throne above
So free, so infinite His grace—
Emptied Himself of all but love,
And bled for Adam’s helpless race:
’Tis mercy all, immense and free,
For O my God, it found out me!
Dejó el trono de Su Padre en las alturas
Gratuita e infinita a caudales es Su gracia
Se entregó con todo su amor
Y sangró por los herederos de Adán
Esta piedad tan grande y gratuita
Mi Dios me ha encontrado a mí
And can it be? And can it be?
Amazing love, How can it be?
No condemnation now I dread;
Jesus, and all in Him, is mine;
Alive in Him, my living Head,
And clothed in righteousness divine,
Bold I approach th’eternal throne,
And claim the crown, through Christ my own.
Cómo puede ser? Cómo puede ser?
Amor increíble, Cómo puede ser?
Ninguna condenación temo ahora
Jesús y todo en Él es mío
Vivo en Él, en mi Señor vivo
Y estoy revestido de Su justicia divina
Confiado me acerco a Su trono eterno
Para reclamar la corona que viene de Jesús como mía
Amazing love, how can it be
That Thou, my God shouldst die for me?
Amazing love, how can it be?
Amazing love!
Amor increíble, Cómo puede ser
Que Tú mi Dios has muerto por mi?
Amor increíble, Cómo puede ser?
Amor increíble!



Love Is Spoken Here

Allí donde hay amor

1. I see my mother kneeling with our family each day.
I hear the words she whispers as she bows her head to pray.
Her plea to the Father quiets all my fears,
And I am thankful love is spoken here.

1. Veo ̮a mi madre ̮hincarse cada día en mi ̮hogar;
escucho sus palabras cuando se ̮inclina a ̮orar.
Sus ruegos al Padre calman mi temor
y yo doy gracias pues allí hay amor.

2. Mine is a home where ev’ry hour
is blessed by the strength of priesthood pow’r,
With father and mother leading the way,
Teaching me how to trust and obey;
And the things they teach are crystal clear,
For love is spoken here.

2. A toda hora ̮hay en mi ̮hogar
de Dios bendiciones sin cesar;
papá y mamá me guían al bien,
me ̮enseñan siempre ̮a obedecer,
y ̮es tan claro cuanto ̮aprendo yo
pues lo ̮hacen con amor.

3. I can often feel the Savior near
When love is spoken here.
3. A menudo siento ̮al Salvador,
allí donde ̮hay amor.

Come Unto Christ

Ven a Cristo

He's the One who healed the leper,
and who brought the dead to life.
He's the One, who fed the hungry,
and who gave the blind their sight.
He's the One who walked on water,
then He brought them safe to shore,
and whenever you may need Him,
He's the One you're looking for.
So let Him in,
And He will take a way your pain.
When you feel His love
you'll never be the same.
Come unto Christ.
Él es el que sanó al leproso,
y quien dio vida a los muertos.
Él es el Único, que alimentó al hambriento,
y quien dio la vista a los ciegos.
Él es el que caminó sobre el agua,
luego los llevó sanos y salvos a la orilla,
y siempre que lo necesites,
Él es el que estás buscando.
Así que déjalo entrar,
Y Él quitará un camino a tu dolor.
Cuando sientes su amor
nunca serás el mismo.
Ven a Cristo.
Come unto Him,
and by His grace be made holy again.
He's calling your name.
He's waiting for you
with arms open wide.
Come unto Christ.
Ven a Él,
y por Su gracia ser santificado de nuevo.
Está llamando tu nombre.
el te esta esperando
con los brazos abiertos de par en par.
Ven a Cristo.
He's the One who taught forgiveness,
and who showed a better way.
He's the One who helped the hopeless
and those who'd gone a stray.
He's the Savior and Redeemer, the
Bread of Life the Prince of Peace.
If you're hungry, lost, or captive
He's the One who'll set you free.
So let Him in and you'll Remember
who you are.
He will mold your life and change
your willing heart.
Come unto Christ.
Él es el que enseñó el perdón,
y que mostró una mejor manera.
Él es el que ayudó a los desesperanzados
y los que se habían descarriado.
Él es el Salvador y Redentor, el
Pan de Vida el Príncipe de la Paz.
Si tienes hambre, estás perdido o cautivo
Él es quien te hará libre.
Así que déjalo entrar y recordarás
quien eres.
Él moldeará tu vida y cambiará
tu corazón dispuesto.
Ven a Cristo.
Come unto Him,
and by His grace be made holy again.
He's calling your name.
He's waiting for you
with arms open wide.
Come unto Christ.
And you will find eternal life.
Come unto Christ.
Ven a Él,
y por Su gracia ser santificado de nuevo.
Está llamando tu nombre.
el te esta esperando
con los brazos abiertos de par en par.
Ven a Cristo.
Y encontrarás la vida eterna.
Ven a Cristo.
Come unto Him,
and by His grace be made holy again.
He's calling your name.
He's waiting for you
with arms open wide.
Come unto Christ.
Ven a Él,
y por Su gracia ser santificado de nuevo.
Está llamando tu nombre.
el te esta esperando
con los brazos abiertos de par en par.
Ven a Cristo.

Search, Ponder, and Pray / I Think When I Read That Sweet Story

Escudriñar, meditar y orar / Me gusta pensar en el Señor

I love to read the holy scriptures,
And, ev’ry time I do,
I feel the Spirit start to grow within my heart-
A testimony that they’re true.
Search, ponder, and pray
Are the things that I must do.
The Spirit will guide, and, deep inside,
I’ll know the scriptures are true.
Me gusta leer las Escrituras
sentir que son verdad,
la firme convicción de ̮un testimonio
que el Espíritu me ̮entregará.
Debo ̮escudriñar,
meditar y orar,
por medio del Espíritu
sé que ellas son la verdad.
I think when I read that sweet story of old,
When Jesus was here among men,
How he called little children like lambs to his fold;
I should like to have been with him then.
Me gusta pensar, al leer que Jesús,
en la tierra ̮al hacer Su misión,
llamaba a todos los niños a Él,
para darles Su gran bendición.
I wish that his hands had been placed on my head,
That his arms had been thrown around me,
That I might have seen his kind look when he said,
“Let the little ones come unto me.”
Quisiera haberlo oído también,
y sentido su ̮amor hacia mí,
oyendo Sus tiernas palabras decir:
“A los niños traed hacia mí”.
So, prayerfully I’ll read the scriptures
Each day my whole life through.
I’ll come to understand.
I’ll heed the Lord’s command
And live as he would have me do.
Search, ponder, and pray
Are the things that I must do.
The Spirit will guide, and, deep inside,
I’ll know the scriptures are true.
Las Escrituras diariamente
leeré con oración;
así podré ̮entender, también obedecer
los mandamientos del Señor.
Debo ̮escudriñar,
meditar y orar,
por medio del Espíritu
sé que ellas son la verdad.

I Will Walk With Jesus

Andaré con Cristo

Jesus walked in wisdom; Jesus grew in truth.
He showed love to God and man while in His youth.
Jesus wants to guide me. Jesus shows the way,
Calling me to come and walk with Him each day.
As I walk with Jesus to my home above,
He will bless me with His Spirit and fill me with His love,
Change my heart forever and help me clearly see.
I will walk with Jesus, and He will walk with me.
Con sabiduría, con verdad creció;
a los hombres y a Dios Jesús amó.
Él es quien me guía, Él, mi ejemplo fiel,
y me llama siempre a caminar con Él.
Andaré con Cristo a mi hogar con Dios;
Su Espíritu me ofrece, me llenará de amor.
Sé que con Su ayuda mi alma cambiará.
Andaré con Cristo; Él junto a mí andará.
I can grow like Jesus. I will try each day-
Promising to walk His path and there to stay.
Standing by my Savior, safe within His care,
Step by step I’ll follow, and His love I’ll share.
As I walk with Jesus to my home above,
He will bless me with His Spirit and fill me with His love,
Change my heart forever and help me clearly see.
I will walk with Jesus, and He will walk with me.
Cada día intento como Él crecer;
siempre en Su senda yo me permanecer.
Al lado de Cristo, seguro estaré.
Paso a paso Su amor compartiré.
Andaré con Cristo a mi hogar con Dios;
Su Espíritu me ofrece, me llenará de amor.
Sé que con Su ayuda mi alma cambiará.
Andaré con Cristo; Él junto a mí andará.
I will trust in Jesus. I will hear His call.
He will never leave me, even when I fall.
Jesus gives me power, lifts and comforts me,
Helping me to live and grow eternally.
As I walk with Jesus to my home above,
He will bless me with His Spirit and fill me with His love,
Change my heart forever and help me clearly see.
I will walk with Jesus, and He will walk with me.
Confiando en Cristo, sentiré Su amor.
Nunca me abandonará, aun en mi error.
Él me da su alivio; Su poder me da
para yo vivir por la eternidad.
Andaré con Cristo a mi hogar con Dios;
Su Espíritu me ofrece, me llenará de amor.
Sé que con Su ayuda mi alma cambiará.
Andaré con Cristo; Él junto a mí andará.

I Wonder When He Comes Again

Cuando venga Jesús

I wonder, when he comes again,
Will herald angels sing?
Will earth be white with drifted snow,
Or will the world know spring?
I wonder if one star will shine
Far brighter than the rest;
Will daylight stay the whole night through?
Will songbirds leave their nests?
I’m sure he’ll call his little ones
Together ’round his knee,
Because he said in days gone by,
“Suffer them to come to me.”
¿Habrá, al regresar Jesús,
de ángeles canción?
¿Será en época ̮invernal
o día primaveral?
¿Estrella con mayor fulgor
que las demás habrá?
¿Habra ̮en la noche ̮obscuridad?
¿Las aves callarán?
Sus pequeñitos llamará
estoy seguro, sí,
pues dijo ̮en otra ocasión:
“Dejadlos venir a mí”.
I wonder, when he comes again,
Will I be ready there
To look upon his loving face
And join with him in prayer?
Each day I’ll try to do his will
And let my light so shine
That others seeing me may seek
For greater light divine.
Then, when that blessed day is here,
He’ll love me and he’ll say,
“You’ve served me well, my little child;
Come unto my arms to stay.”
¿Podré, al regresar Jesús,
estar con Él allá?
¿Podré sentir Su compasión
y ̮así con Él orar?
Yo cada día trataré
de ̮hacer mi luz brillar;
la luz de Dios motivaré
a otros a buscar.
Cuando ̮ese día llegue ̮al fin
con mucho ̮amor dirá:
“Me has servido, hijo fiel;
a mi lado morarás”.
I wonder when He comes again,
Will all the nations bring,
Their little children to His arms,
To hear the angels sing?
And as they hear His loving voice,
And see His outstretched hand,
Will children of the world rejoice,
To finally understand:
That only as we do His will,
Can happiness increase,
That love, alone, can make this world,
A haven of His peace.
¿Habrá, al regresar Jesús,
¿Todas las naciones traerán,
sus hijitos a sus brazos,
¿Para escuchar a los ángeles cantar?
Y al escuchar Su voz amorosa,
y ver su mano extendida,
¿Se regocijarán los niños del mundo,
Para finalmente entender:
Que solo como hacemos Su voluntad,
¿Puede aumentar la felicidad,
Que el amor, solo, puede hacer este mundo,
Un remanso de Su paz.

To Listen to Jesus

Para escuchar a Jesús

It shouldn’t be hard to sit very still
And think about Jesus, his cross on the hill,
And all that he suffered and did for me;
It shouldn’t be hard to sit quietly.
It shouldn’t be hard, even though I am small,
To think about Jesus, not hard at all.
No debería ser difícil sentarse muy quieto
Y piensa en Jesús, su cruz en la colina,
y todo lo que padeció e hizo por mí;
No debería ser difícil sentarse en silencio.
No debería ser difícil, aunque soy pequeño,
Pensar en Jesús, no es nada difícil.
I think of the miles he walked in the dust,
And children he helped to love and to trust;
It shouldn’t be hard to sit tall in my seat,
To listen politely, to quiet my feet.
It shouldn’t be hard, even though I am small,
To think about Jesus, not hard at all.
It shouldn’t be hard, even though I am small,
To think about Jesus, not hard at all.
Pienso en las millas que caminó en el polvo,
Y los niños ayudó a amar y confiar;
No debería ser difícil sentarme alto en mi asiento,
Para escuchar cortésmente, para calmar mis pies.
No debería ser difícil, aunque soy pequeño,
Pensar en Jesús, no es nada difícil.
No debería ser difícil, aunque soy pequeño,
Pensar en Jesús, no es nada difícil.

Merciful Savior, Healer of My Soul

Salvador Misericordioso, Sanador de Mi Alma

Merciful Savior, Healer of my soul,
Be now my shepherd, He who makes me whole!
Mending my heartache with thy soothing balm,
Comfort my soul with everlasting calm.
Salvador misericordioso, Sanador de mi alma,
¡Sé ahora mi pastor, el que me sana!
Reparando mi dolor de corazón con tu bálsamo calmante,
Consuela mi alma con la calma eterna.
Thou who redeemed me, drank the bitter cup;
Be Thou my Savior, lift my spirit up!
Lend me Thy strength to do the Father's will.
Bid thou temptation's voice to now be still.
Tú que me redimiste, bebiste la copa amarga;
¡Sé Tú mi Salvador, levanta mi espíritu!
Préstame Tu fuerza para hacer la voluntad del Padre.
Dile a la voz de la tentación que ahora se aquiete.
Guide thou my footsteps through this world of strife.
Wilt thou stay near me all throughout my life?
Humbly I seek thee, down on bended knee.
Open my vision to eternity.
Guía mis pasos a través de este mundo de lucha.
¿Te quedarás cerca de mí durante toda mi vida?
Humildemente te busco, de rodillas.
Abre mi visión a la eternidad.
Fill me with courage, when I am afraid.
Help me to find where I may render aid.
Help me extend thy boundless charity
that all thy children may come home to Thee.
Lléname de coraje, cuando tengo miedo. Ayúdame a encontrar dónde puedo prestar ayuda. Ayúdame a extender tu caridad ilimitada para que todos tus hijos puedan volver a casa contigo.

It’s a Pleasure to Work for the Lord

Placentero Nos Es Trabajar

It’s a pleasure to work for the Lord
In the vineyard of Jesus our King.
It’s an honor to preach his good word
To his people - His law, and His light.
By His light, by His light,
It’s a pleasure to work for the Lord.
By His light, by His light,
We will wear out our lives in His love.
Placentero nos es trabajar
en la viña del gran Rey Jesús,
y honroso nos es predicar
a Su pueblo Su ley y Su luz.
Por Su luz, por Su luz,
placentero nos es trabajar.
Por Su luz, por Su luz,
moriremos en El sin pesar.
Oh hark! to the good word of God.
Be loyal, be faithful and true.
Forever and ever recall
His purity, truth, and His love.
In His love, in His love,
Give heed to the good word of God.
In His love, in His love,
We will carry the banner of God!
La palabra de Dios escuchad
con ahínco, lealtad y fervor.
Para siempre jamás recordad
Su pureza, verdad y amor.
Con amor, con amor,
la palabra de Dios escuchad.
Con amor, con amor,
la bandera de Dios empuñad.
Goodbye, then, o dear ones, goodbye.
The moment has come. I must go.
Hold fast to your faith in our God.
I will see you again far beyond.
Far beyond, far beyond,
Goodbye, then, o dear ones, goodbye.
Far beyond, far beyond,
We will dwell in the love of our God.
¡Oh hermanos, adiós, pues, adiós!
El momento de ir vino ya.
Si guardamos la fe en el gran Dios,
nos veremos aún más allá.
Más allá, más allá.
¡Oh hermanos, adiós, pues, adiós!
Más allá, más allá,
moraremos con Dios en amor.

And Can It Be?

Cómo Puede Ser?

And can it be? And can it be?
Amazing love, How can it be?
And can it be that I should gain
An interest in the Savior’s blood?
Died He for me, who caused His pain—
For me, who Him to death pursued?
Amazing love! How can it be,
That Thou, my God, shouldst die for me?
Cómo puede ser? Cómo puede ser?
Amor increíble, Cómo puede ser?
Cómo puede ser que yo gane
Una recompensa en la sangre del Salvador
Él muriendo por mí, por aquél que causó su dolor
Por mí, quién lo llevó a la muerte
Amor increíble, Cómo puede ser
Que Tú mi Dios has muerto por mi?
He left His Father’s throne above
So free, so infinite His grace—
Emptied Himself of all but love,
And bled for Adam’s helpless race:
’Tis mercy all, immense and free,
For O my God, it found out me!
Dejó el trono de Su Padre en las alturas
Gratuita e infinita a caudales es Su gracia
Se entregó con todo su amor
Y sangró por los herederos de Adán
Esta piedad tan grande y gratuita
Mi Dios me ha encontrado a mí
And can it be? And can it be?
Amazing love, How can it be?
No condemnation now I dread;
Jesus, and all in Him, is mine;
Alive in Him, my living Head,
And clothed in righteousness divine,
Bold I approach th’eternal throne,
And claim the crown, through Christ my own.
Cómo puede ser? Cómo puede ser?
Amor increíble, Cómo puede ser?
Ninguna condenación temo ahora
Jesús y todo en Él es mío
Vivo en Él, en mi Señor vivo
Y estoy revestido de Su justicia divina
Confiado me acerco a Su trono eterno
Para reclamar la corona que viene de Jesús como mía
Amazing love, how can it be
That Thou, my God shouldst die for me?
Amazing love, how can it be?
Amazing love!
Amor increíble, Cómo puede ser
Que Tú mi Dios has muerto por mi?
Amor increíble, Cómo puede ser?
Amor increíble!

God Loved Us, So He Sent His Son

El Padre tanto nos amó

God loved us, so he sent his Son,
Christ Jesus, the atoning One,
To show us by the path he trod
The one and only way to God.
El Padre tanto nos amó
que a Su Hijo nos mandó
para mostrarnos cómo vivir;
debemos Su ejemplo seguir.
He came as man, though Son of God,
And bowed himself beneath the rod.
He died in holy innocence,
A broken law to recompense.
Y, aunque Hijo es de Dios,
bajo ̮el azote se ̮humilló.
Sin merecerlo Él sufrió
y del pecado nos redimió.
Oh, love effulgent, love divine!
What debt of gratitude is mine,
That in his off’ring I have part
And hold a place within his heart.
¡Qué gran amor mostró Jesús!
Le debo mucha gratitud.
En Su ofrenda me incluyó;
tengo lugar en Su corazón.
His heart.
I hold a place within his heart,
his heart.
Su corazón.
Tengo lugar en Su corazón,
Su corazón.

General Session

Sesion General

Softly and Tenderly

¡Cuán tiernamente nos está llamando!

Softly and tenderly Jesus is calling
Calling for you and for me
See on the portals He's waiting and watching
Watching for you and for me.
Come home, come home
Ye who are weary come home
Earnestly, tenderly Jesus is calling
Calling, "O sinner, come home"
¡Cuán tiernamente nos está llamando
Cristo a ti y a mí!
Él nos espera con brazos abiertos
Nos llama a ti y a mí.
Venid, venid a mí
Si estáis cansados venid
¡Cuán tiernamente nos está llamando!
¡Oh pecadores, venid!
Why should we tarry when Jesus is pleading,
pleading for you and for me?
Why should we linger and heed not his mercies,
mercies for you and for me?
Come home, come home
Ye who are weary come home
Earnestly, tenderly Jesus is calling
Calling, "O sinner, come home"
¿Por qué tememos si está abogando,
Cristo por ti y por mí?
Sus bendiciones está derramando,
Siempre por ti y por mí.
Venid, venid a mí
Si estáis cansados venid
¡Cuán tiernamente nos está llamando!
¡Oh pecadores, venid!
O for the wonderful love He has promised
Promised for you and for me
Though we have sinned He has mercy and pardon
Pardon for you and for me
Come home, come home
Ye who are weary come home
Earnestly, tenderly Jesus is calling
Calling, "O sinner, come home"
Su tierno amor Cristo ha prometido
Te ama a ti y a mí
Perdonará al que en El a creído
nos llama a Ti y a mí.
Venid, venid a mí
Si estáis cansados venid
¡Cuán tiernamente nos está llamando!
¡Oh pecadores, venid!
Earnestly, tenderly Jesus is calling
Calling, "O sinner, come home"
Come home, come home, come home.
Seriamente, tiernamente Jesús está llamando
¡Oh pecadores, venid!
¡Venid, Venid, Venid!

Nearer, My God to Thee / Where Can I Turn for Peace?

Más cerca, Dios, de ti / ¿Dónde hallo el solaz?

Nearer, my God, to thee,
Nearer to thee!
Angels to beckon me
Nearer to thee!
Más cerca, Dios, de Ti
quiero estar,
ángeles habrá que me conducirán
más cerca, de Ti!
Where can I turn for peace?
Where is my solace
When other sources cease to make me whole?
When with a wounded heart, anger, or malice,
I draw myself apart,
Searching my soul?
¿Dónde ̮hallo el solaz,
dónde, ̮el alivio
cuando mi llanto nadie puede calmar,
cuando muy triste ̮estoy o enojado
y me aparto
a meditar?
Where, when my aching grows,
Where, when I languish,
Where, in my need to know, where can I run?
Where is the quiet hand to calm my anguish?
Who, who can understand?
He, only One.
Cuando la pena ̮es
tal que languidezco,
cuando las causas busco de mi dolor,
¿dónde ̮hallo a un ser que me consuele?
¿Quién puede comprender?
Nuestro Señor.
He answers privately,
Reaches my reaching
In my Gethsemane, Savior and Friend.
Gentle the peace he finds for my beseeching.
Constant he is and kind,
Constant and kind,
Constant he is and kind,
Love without end.
El siempre cerca ̮está;
me da Su mano.
En mi Getsemaní, es mi Salvador.
El sabe dar la paz que tanto quiero.
Con gran bondad y ̮amor
Bondad y ̮amor
Con gran bondad y ̮amor
me da valor.
Nearer, my God, to thee,
Nearer to thee!
Más cerca, Dios, de Ti
más cerca, de Ti!

Friday, February 28, 2020

Lyrics for Stake Choir / Letras de la Música Coral

Faith in Every Footstep

Fe en Cada Paso

1. A marvelous work has begun to come forth
among all the children of men.
O ye that embark in the service of God,
give heart, mind, and strength unto him;
For prophets have spoken and angels have come
to lift the world from sin,
That Christ may reign over all the earth
and bless his gathered kin.
With faith in every footstep,
we follow Christ, the Lord;
And filled with hope through his pure love,
we sing with one accord.
1. Una obra de amor al salir comenzó
Por toda la humanidad
Oh, vos que salís al servicio de Dios
Hacedlo con gran devoción
Profetas y ángeles alzan la voz
Al mundo contra el mal
Que Cristo reina y bendice
A sus santos en unidad
Con fe en cada paso
Seguimos al señor
Con esperanza y con su amor
Cantamos a una voz
2. Those marvelous Saints who embraced this great work
and shared it in lands far and near;
Who gave all their heart, mind, and strength to the Lord
with wisdom and vision so clear;
Now stand as examples of virtue and faith,
of souls prepared to hear,
Of knowledge sure, born of humble heart,
and love that banished fear.
With faith in every footstep,
we follow Christ, the Lord;
And filled with hope through his pure love,
we sing with one accord.
2. Los santos en su obra de predicación
En tierra allende del mar
Con el corazón, mente y fuerza de
Dios Llevaron la sabía verdad
Ejemplos de fe y virtud y humildad
Son prestos a escuchar
Y llenos del saber y el amor
Que alejan la oscuridad
Con fe en cada paso
Seguimos al señor
Con esperanza y con su amor
Cantamos a una voz
3. If we now desire to assist in this work
and thrust in our sickle with might;
If we will embark in the service of God
and harvest in fields that are white;
Our souls may receive the salvation of God—
the fulness of his light,
That we may stand, free of sin and blame,
God’s glory in our sight.
With faith in every footstep,
we follow Christ, the Lord;
And filled with hope through his pure love,
we sing with one accord.
3. Si es nuestro deseo en su obra ayudar
La hoz con fuerza aprestad
Venid, embarcaos al servicio de Dios
Sus campos ya blancos segad
Con fe, esperanza, con inspiración
Entramos a la luz
Sin culpa o mancha ante Dios estar
Y en su gloria morar
Con fe en cada paso
Seguimos al señor
Con esperanza y con su amor
Cantamos a una voz

Come Drink of the Water

Ven, bebe del agua

1. Come, drink of the water.
Come, sit by the well.
Come, feast at the table of God.
Come, partake and be filled.
Find joy in His service.
Find peace in His light.
Humbly obey. Walk in His way.
Taste the sweetness of life.
1. Ven, bebe del agua.
Ven, siéntate junto al pozo.
Ven, festeja en la mesa de Dios.
Ven, participa y se lleno.
Encuentra gozo en su servicio.
Encuentra la paz en su luz.
Obedece humildemente. Camina en su camino.
Prueba la dulzura de la vida.
2. Come, drink of the Lord's living water.
Come and sit by the well.
Come, feast on the Bread of Life.
Come; partake; be filled.
Find joy in His service.
Find peace in His light.
Come and obey. Walk in His way.
Taste the sweetness of life.
Come, drink at the well.
2. Ven, bebe del agua viva del Señor.
Ven y siéntate junto al pozo.
Ven, festeja con el Pan de Vida.
Ven; participar; Estar Lleno.
Encuentra gozo en su servicio.
Encuentra la paz en su luz.
Ven y obedece. Camina en su camino.
Prueba la dulzura de la vida.
Ven, bebe en el pozo.

Awake, Ye That Slumber

Despierta, tú que duermes

1. Awake ye that slumber, arise from the dust!
Awake, gird your armor, in God put your trust!
Let the sword of the spirit be firm in your grasp,
the hope of salvation your soul shall enclasp.
1. ¡Despierta, tú que duermes, levántate del polvo!
¡Despierta, ciñe tu armadura, en Dios pon tu confianza!
Deja que la espada del espíritu sea firme en tu alcance,
la esperanza de salvación tu alma se cerrará.
2. Awake, wield the armor that God hath prepared,
the rights of the poor and defenseless to guard.
Raise the standard of truth, let your motto be love,
and show by your conduct, the wisdom above.
2. Despierta, empuña la armadura que Dios ha preparado,
Los derechos de los pobres e indefensos a proteger.
Eleva el estándar de la verdad, deja que tu lema sea amor,
y muestra por tu conducta, la sabiduría de arriba.
3. Awake! Will ye slumber while charity pleads,
and virtue and faith from the world recedes?
Let your voice now be heard, the truth boldly proclaim,
that many may come forth to praise Jesus' name!
3. ¡Despierta! ¿Dormirás mientras la caridad suplica,
y la virtud y la fe del mundo retroceden?
Deja que tu voz se escuche ahora, la verdad proclama audazmente:
para que muchos salgan a alabar el nombre de Jesús!
4. Awake from your slumber! 'Tis duty that calls.
'Tis duty that bids you to guard Zion's walls!
Arise, for the welfare of man is at stake.
Awake from your slumber, ye sleepers, awake!
4. ¡Despierta de tu sueño! Es deber lo que llama.
¡Es un deber que te ordena proteger los muros de Sion!
Levántate, porque el bienestar del hombre está en juego.
¡Despierten de su sueño, durmientes, despierten!

A Poor, Wayfaring Man of Grief

Un Pobre Forastero

1. A poor, wayfaring Man of grief
Hath often crossed me on my way,
Who sued so humbly for relief
That I could never answer nay.
I had not pow'r to ask his name,
Whereto he went, or whence he came;
Yet there was something in his eye
That won my love; I knew not why.
1. Un pobre forastero vi
por mi camino al pasar;
él me rogó con tanto ̮afán
que no lo pude rechazar.
Su nombre, su destinación,
su origen no le pregunté,
mas cuando su mirada vi,
le di mi amor; no sé por qué.
2. Once, when my scanty meal was spread,
He entered; not a word he spake,
Just perishing for want of bread.
I gave him all; he blessed it, brake,
And ate, but gave me part again.
Mine was an angel's portion then,
For while I fed with eager haste,
The crust was manna to my taste.
2. El pan, escaso para mí,
comía cuando él llegó,
mas vi su hambre y se lo di;
él lo bendijo y lo partió.
Los dos comimos de ese pan,
que en manjar se convirtió,
pues al comerlo con afán
maná a mí me pareció.
3. I spied him where a fountain burst
Clear from the rock; his strength was gone.
The heedless water mocked his thirst;
He heard it, saw it hurrying on.
I ran and raised the suff'rer up;
Thrice from the stream he drained my cup,
Dipped and returned it running o'er;
I drank and never thirsted more.
3. Al acercarme ̮al manantial,
sediento ̮y débil lo hallé;
el agua clara no ̮alcanzó,
y pareció burlar su sed.
Corrí, mi copa le ̮acerqué;
bebió, tres veces la vació.
Después, me la llenó y dio,
y para siempre mi sed sació.
4. 'Twas night; the floods were out; it blew
A winter hurricane aloof.
I heard his voice abroad and flew
To bid him welcome to my roof.
I warmed and clothed and cheered my guest
And laid him on my couch to rest,
Then made the earth my bed and seemed
In Eden's garden while I dreamed.
4. Cayó la noche invernal
con espantosa tempestad.
Su voz en la tormenta oí,
y lo ̮acogí en mi hogar.
Le atendí, lo conforté,
mi propio lecho le ofrecí.
En duro suelo me acosté,
mas en Edén creí dormir.
5. Stript, wounded, beaten nigh to death,
I found him by the highway side.
I roused his pulse, brought back his breath,
Revived his spirit, and supplied
Wine, oil, refreshment--he was healed.
I had myself a wound concealed,
But from that hour forgot the smart,
And peace bound up my broken heart.
5. En el camino lo hallé
golpeado, ̮herido, por morir.
Sus llagas con amor vendé,
su ̮aliento hice recobrar.
Sané su cuerpo y oculté
la herida que tenía yo,
y desde entonces la olvidé;
la paz mi corazón llenó.
6. In pris'n I saw him next, condemned
To meet a traitor's doom at morn.
The tide of lying tongues I stemmed,
And honored him 'mid shame and scorn.
My friendship's utmost zeal to try,
He asked if I for him would die.
The flesh was weak; my blood ran chill,
But my free spirit cried, "I will!"
6. Lo vi ̮esperando en prisión
la muerte como ̮un vil traidor.
De la calumnia defendí
a mi amigo con valor.
En prueba de mi amistad
me suplicó por él morir;
la carne quiso rehusar,
mas mi alma libre dijo “¡Sí!”
7. Then in a moment to my view
The stranger started from disguise.
The tokens in his hands I knew;
The Savior stood before mine eyes.
He spake, and my poor name he named,
"Of me thou hast not been ashamed.
These deeds shall thy memorial be;
Fear not, thou didst them unto me."
7. Al forastero vi ̮ante mí;
Su ̮identidad Él reveló;
las marcas en Sus manos vi:
reconocí al Salvador.
Me dijo: “Te recordaré”,
y por mi nombre me llamó.
“A tu prójimo ayudaste y
así serviste a tu Señor”.

Let Zion In Her Glory Rise

Ved a Sión cuán bella

1. Let Zion in her beauty rise;
Her light begins to shine.
Ere long her King will rend the skies,
Majestic and divine,
The gospel spreading thru the land,
A people to prepare
To meet the Lord and Enoch's band
Triumphant in the air.
1. Ved a Sión cuán bella es
Ya brilla su fulgor;
Su Rey el cielo hendirá,
Con grande esplendor
El evangelio va doquier
Al pueblo a listar,
A encontar a su Señor,
Y fin al mal a dar.
2. Ye heralds, sound the golden trump
To earth's remotest bound.
Go spread the news from pole to pole
In all the nations round:
That Jesus in the clouds above,
With hosts of angels too,
Will soon appear, his Saints to save,
His enemies subdue.
2. El evangelio predicad,
Heraldos por doquier;
La nueva lejos publicad,
En fe a todo ser;
Que con la hueste celestial,
En nubes bajará,
Jesús, los santos salvará,
Y malos vencerá.
3. That glorious rest will then commence
Which prophets did foretell,
When Saints will reign with Christ on earth,
And in his presence dwell
A thousand years, oh, glorious day!
Dear Lord, prepare my heart
To stand with thee on Zion's mount
And nevermore to part.
3. El gran reposo ya vendrá,
El cual predicho fué,
En que con Cristo reinará
Su pueblo en la fe.
Mil años, Oh felicidad!
Prepárame, Señor;
Contigo en verda iré,
Morando en amor.

If the Way Be Full of Trial

Si la vía es penosa

1. If the way be full of trial, weary not;
If it’s one of sore denial, weary not;
If it now be one of weeping,
There will come a joyous greeting,
When the harvest we are reaping, weary not.
Do not weary by the way,
Whatever be thy lot;
There awaits a brighter day,
To all, to all who weary not.
1. Si la vía es penosa en la lid,
si pesares nos abruman en la lid,
si la vida es amarga,
nuestra dicha no se tarda,
y el gozo se alarga en la lid.
No te canses de luchar;
sé firme en la lid.
Dios descanso mandará
a los que luchan en la lid.
2. If the way be one of sorrow, weary not;
Happier will be the morrow, weary not.
Here we suffer tribulation;
Here we must endure temptation;
But there’ll come a great salvation. Weary not.
Do not weary by the way,
Whatever be thy lot;
There awaits a brighter day,
To all, to all who weary not.
2. Si tristezas nos alcanzan en la lid,
más feliz será mañana en la lid;
hoy sufrimos vejaciones
y ̮enfrentamos tentaciones,
mas tendremos bendiciones en la lid.
No te canses de luchar;
sé firme en la lid.
Dios descanso mandará
a los que luchan en la lid.
3. If misfortunes overtake us, weary not;
Jesus never will forsake us, weary not.
He will leave us never, never;
From his love there’s naught can sever;
Glory to the Lamb forever, weary not.
Do not weary by the way,
Whatever be thy lot;
There awaits a brighter day,
To all, to all who weary not.
3. Si desdicha nos asecha en la lid,
Cristo nunca nos desecha en la lid;
El jamás nos abandona;
nuestras faltas El perdona;
hay que darle siempre honra en la lid.
No te canses de luchar;
sé firme en la lid.
Dios descanso mandará
a los que luchan en la lid.

The Spirit of God

El Espíritu de Dios

1. The Spirit of God like a fire is burning!
The latter-day glory begins to come forth;
The visions and blessings of old are returning,
And angels are coming to visit the earth.
1. Tal como un fuego se ve ya ardiendo
el Santo Espíritu del gran Creador.
Visiones y dones antiguos ya vuelven,
y ángeles vienen cantando loor.
We'll sing and we'll shout with the armies of heaven,
Hosanna, hosanna to God and the Lamb!
Let glory to them in the highest be given,
Henceforth and forever, Amen and amen!
Cantemos, gritemos, con huestes del cielo:
¡Hosanna, hosanna a Dios y Jesús!
A ellos sea dado loor en lo alto,
de hoy para siempre, ¡amén y amén!
2. The Lord is extending the Saints' understanding,
Restoring their judges and all as at first.
The knowledge and power of God are expanding;
The veil o'er the earth is beginning to burst.
2. Aumenta ̮el Señor nuestro entendimiento;
tal cual al principio nos da Su poder.
El conocimiento de Dios se extiende;
el velo del mundo se ve descorrer.
3. We'll call in our solemn assemblies in spirit,
To spread forth the kingdom of heaven abroad,
That we through our faith may begin to inherit
The visions and blessings and glories of God.
3. Haremos con fe asambleas solemnes;
el reino de Dios vamos a extender;
y las bendiciones y glorias del cielo
como ̮una herencia podremos tener.
4. How blessed the day when the lamb and the lion
Shall lie down together without any ire,
And Ephraim be crowned with his blessing in Zion,
As Jesus descends with his chariot of fire!
4. ¡Qué día dichoso en que los leones
con mansos corderos se acostarán!
En paz Efraín gozará bendiciones,
y Cristo, en gloria, del cielo vendrá.

Joseph Smith's First Prayer

La oración del Profeta

1. Oh, how lovely was the morning!
Radiant beamed the sun above.
Bees were humming, sweet birds singing,
Music ringing thru the grove,
When within the shady woodland
Joseph sought the God of love,
When within the shady woodland
Joseph sought the God of love.
1. Qué hermosa la mañana;
qué brillante era ̮el sol.
Pajaritos y abejas
daban voces de loor
cuando en la arboleda
suplicó José a Dios,
cuando en la arboleda
suplicó José a Dios.
2. Humbly kneeling, sweet appealing—
’Twas the boy’s first uttered prayer—
When the pow’rs of sin assailing
Filled his soul with deep despair;
But undaunted, still he trusted
In his Heav’nly Father’s care,
But undaunted, still he trusted
In his Heav’nly Father’s care.
2. Con ahínco suplicaba
en ferviente oración,
y la fuerza del maligno
de angustia le llenó.
Mas en Dios él esperaba
y confiaba en Su ̮amor.
Mas en Dios él esperaba
y confiaba en Su ̮amor.
3. Suddenly a light descended,
Brighter far than noonday sun,
And a shining, glorious pillar
O’er him fell, around him shone,
While appeared two heav’nly beings,
God the Father and the Son,
While appeared two heav’nly beings,
God the Father and the Son.
3. Descendió gran luz del cielo,
más brillante que el sol,
y gloriosa, la columna sobre
el joven descansó.
Vio dos Seres celestiales,
Dios el Padre y Jesús.
Vio dos Seres celestiales,
Dios el Padre y Jesús.
4. “Joseph, this is my Beloved;
Hear him!” Oh, how sweet the word!
Joseph’s humble prayer was answered,
And he listened to the Lord.
Oh, what rapture filled his bosom,
For he saw the living God,
Oh, what rapture filled his bosom,
For he saw the living God.
4. “Este es mi Hijo ̮amado;
da oído”, dijo Dios.
Su ̮oración fue contestada
y ̮escuchó al Salvador.
¡Oh qué gozo en su pecho
porque vio José a Dios!
¡Oh qué gozo en su pecho
porque vio José a Dios!